What Is Detox and How It Can Help Your Skin Glow?

Did you know that our skin is the largest organ of our body? Yes, it constitutes almost 16% of the body. Wouldn’t it be unfair if we take care of other organs and forget about the most significant organ? An organ that keeps our body from scattering, an organ that is suffers the most daily due to multiple exposures to pollution and other skin-harming elements daily. Therefore, taking good care of your skin is absolutely crucial to your health in general , and your looks in particular. And one of the most effective ways of doing that is Detox. If you are not aware of it, let us introduce you to this amazing health hack. So, What Is Detox? Detox basically refers to detoxification , and it is a process of eliminating toxic substances from a human body by physiological or medicinal means. Along with the removal of harmful substances, detoxification also involves eating healthy food. There are a number of ways to detoxify the body. This method has been in pra...